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    Wedding Ceremony Music at Oriental Pavilion in Prospect Park Brooklyn

    Archive for April, 2013

    Wedding Ceremony Music at Oriental Pavilion in Prospect Park Brooklyn

    Monday, April 29th, 2013

    April 27th

    A beautiful and unique setting for a ceremony in the park, the Oriental Pavilion was the perfect spot for this wedding. At this hip Brooklyn wedding, where they brought in old antique couches for seating, the song ‘Santa Clara’ by the National was a great selection for the recessional.

    The wedding was very much a product of this couples unique love for each other and also their individuality. It was amazing to be a part of it. Other Penguin selections included ‘Married Life’ from the movie ‘Up’, as well as some Beatles selections (Here Comes the Sun, Blackbird, etc).

    It was a gorgeous day and a gorgeous event, as it was the same day of the Cherry Blossom Festival at Brooklyn Botanical Gardens…the only thing that WASN’T beautiful was the traffic! Penguin Music resides in Brooklyn and lives close to the park, so it was a good thing we are veterans of Prospect Park and the Cherry Blossom Festival, enough to know that it was going to be CRAZY! We got there with plenty of time and had a nice, relaxing afternoon in the park playing some beautiful and fun music…

    In fact, we were having such a good time, we forgot to take pictures! Whoops!! 🙂

    Penguin Music Plays First Ceremony of the Year in NY Botanical Gardens

    Sunday, April 21st, 2013

    4.20.2013 NY Botanical4.20.2013 NY Botanical34.20.2013 NY Botanical4


    April 20th, 2013

    This was Penguin Music’s first wedding of the season, and the weather really cooperated! It was one of the first weekends of the year that the Botanical Gardens were lively, and it was a great setting for this wedding.

    The bride entered to Brandi Carlile’s ‘The Story’, which was a new one for us. Glad to add it to our repertoire! Also really fun was the recessional ‘Higher and Higher’ by Jackie Wilson, which was a lively and extended version!